If you are unable to find an answer to a question about the club, please use the email contact form found at the top right corner of every page to submit your questions and a member of the Club will respond quickly.
How safe is clay target shooting?
The League is the safest sport in high school. With more than 125,000 student athlete participants and 75 million shots fired since the League’s inception, there has been no reported injuries.
Are scholars and coaches trained in firearms safety?
Yes. Every scholar is required to earn a S.A.F.E. Certificate prior to participating. The League requires the Head Coach to possess a C.L.A.S.S. certificate and the club requires all coaches earn their C.L.A.S.S. certificate. All coaches also serve as Range Safety Officers (RSO).
Are scholars or schools at risk of violating our gun-free zone policy?
No. Student athletes must follow the same state law as all other students. Guns and ammunition are not allowed on campus. Heritage Academy has a no tolerance policy regarding the violation of their gun-free zone policy. Students either go home after school and get their firearm and ammunition or have a parent or someone else bring the items to the shooting range for them.
Are athletes expected to adhere to all school policies?
Yes. The League fully supports all school and activity policies regarding participation, academic, and ethical requirements.
Are all participants insured?
Yes. Registered student athletes receive accident insurance and registered coaches and volunteers receives liability insurance policies from the USA Clay Target League. There is no additional cost for insurance coverage.
What is the maximum player to coach ratio?
The League requires one coach/staff member for every 10 student athletes. It is required that a faculty club sponsor, registered coach, and a Range Safety Officer (RSO) be present every time a student athlete participates in a League event (practice or competition).
Can boys and girls participate?
Yes. This is the only high school sport that can host co-ed and adaptive student athletes. Scholars must be academically eligible, in good standing with Heritage Academy, and have earned their S.A.F.E. Certificate to be eligible to participate.
Can all student athletes participate in the Arizona State Tournament at the end of the Spring season?
Yes. The season-ending tournament occurs in late-May or June and every League participant is invited to attend. Participants compete against student athletes in classifications based on similar shooting abilities determined by their season average score. The league assess a participation fee for the State Tournament that includes the cost of range fees and an official state tournament t-shirt. Participants are responsible for providing their own ammunition.
Can club members participate in other high school activities?
Yes. The League allows teams to complete their events at any time during a week (including weekends). This allows most participants the flexibility to work around practices and games of other sports and/or activities.
Do scholars need a shotgun to participate?
Yes. Student athletes are required to supply their own shotgun. All types of smooth-bore shotguns, including semi-automatics, may be used provided their caliber does not exceed 12 gauge. The student athlete cannot use a shotgun that:
Has any form of “release” trigger actions.
Has a sling or strap attached.
Changes the properly functioning firearm in the same round.
Use attached devices that have magnifying or light emitting effects.
Has a pistol grip that does not have a stock.
Has a mechanical hammer used for “cocking”.
Utilizes a detachable magazine.
Has a barrel length of less than 24”.
Is designed or intended for home defense or tactical purposes.
Can I wear prescription glasses as safety glasses?
Scholars are required to wear eye protection devices designed specifically for shooting sports while on the field during all events. Prescription glasses can be used for eye protection if the lenses are comprised of plastic or polycarbonate and side shields are worn.
Can I wear my ear buds or headphones for hearing protection?
No. Scholars are required to wear hearing protection devices designed specifically for shooting sports while on the field during all events. All devices (earmuffs or ear plugs) should have a Noise Reduction Rating (NNR) of 27dB or higher. Hearing protection devices that allow for playing music are allowed if range commands are audible. Standard commercial ear buds, headphones, or Bluetooth audio playback devices are not designed to reduce and/or eliminate gunshot noise and are not approved hearing protection.
Are there any other items required?
Yes. All shotguns must be transported to the range unloaded and in a hard case or zipper bag. The shotgun must remain in the case or bag when transporting it from the vehicle to the designated meeting location at the range. Athletes must carry 27 cartridges in a bag or pouch while at the firing line.
Shotgun Bag or Case
Trap Shooting Pouch and/or Shooting Vest
Shell Catcher (required on semi-automatic shotguns that eject from the side)
Are there any optional items I may consider buying?
Yes. Like any sport there are plenty of optional items you may consider purchasing to enhance your experience including, but not limited to:
Magnetic Barrel Rest
Shotgun Cleaning Kit
Ammunition Box
Range Bag
Does the club provide ammunition?
Partially. Scholars are responsible for purchasing their own factory ammunition for use during practice. Where possible, the club intends to fund the cost of ammunition for competition events through sponsorships and club fees.
What is the average cost of ammunition?
Ammunition costs vary based upon a variety of factors including brand and type and can range from as low as $.37 per round when purchased in bulk to over a dollars per cartridge for premium grade ammunition. The Club participates in various ammunition programs provided by Vista Outdoors and other online retailers in an effort to reduce the cost of ammunition for scholars. Ask a coach for recommendations on the type and where to find quality practice ammunition at a reasonable price.
Does the league allow scholars to shoot reloaded cartridges?
No. Scholars cannot use reloaded cartridges, tracers, copper, or nickel coated shot.
Do I need to buy ammunition from the shooting range?
No. Scholars can bring their own approved ammunition to shoot during practice events. Ammunition is available at the Range for $14/box. A box of ammunition contains 25 cartridges. Price is subject to change.
What is the recommended specification for trap and skeet ammunition?
Ammunition load, shot size, and velocity (feet per second) specifications must meet the use requirements of the shooting range during the event. Shooting range ammunition requirements supersede League ammunition requirements. For consistency we recommend scholars use ammunition with the same specifications throughout the season. The League recommended ammunition gauge, shot, and shot size by event are listed below.
Trap and Sporting Clays: 12-gauge, 1oz or 1-1/8oz, #7.5 or #8, with a velocity rating of 1200 FPS or less
Skeet and 5-Stand: 12-gauge, 7/8oz, #7.5 or #8, with a velocity rating of 1200 FPS or less
Do I need to buy a specific brand of ammunition?
No. The Club typically shoots Federal Top Gun brand ammunition because their parent company, Vista Outdoors, offer a Youth Shotshell purchase program that allows the Club to purchase at a below retail price. Although we recommend using the same ammunition throughout the season, the manufacturer brand used during practice events is a personal preference. No specific ammunition manufacturer is required.
How much ammunition will I need for practice?
The number of rounds each scholar will shoot during practice will vary based upon several factors including skill, practice time, and range availability. Varsity shooters may shoot as many as 150 rounds per practice while novice shooters may shoot no more than 50 rounds per practice. To build up sufficient stamina for competition events we recommend scholars work up to shooting a minimum of 100 rounds each practice.
Cost Summary
Does the club pay for any of the scholar's costs?
Our goal is to keep the cost to participate in the Club as low as possible by offsetting as much of the expenses with sponsorships, donations, and fundraisers. The cost to the scholar may fluctuate from season to season depending on the amount of outside funding received.
What does it cost for a scholar to participate?
The cost to participate will vary depending on the season, current ammunition costs, shooting range fees, athlete registration fees, tournament fees, and mandatory personal equipment. Click the Seasons menu at the top of this page for a comprehensive fee schedule by Season.
What is the average cost of ammunition?
Scholars are responsible for the cost of ammunition used during practice. Ammunition costs vary based upon a variety of factors including brand and type. The Range offers ammunition for $14 per box of 25 cartridges. Factory shotgun ammunition may be found online or in-stores for as little as $10 per box of 25 cartridges when purchased in bulk. Novice shooters may shoot as few as 50 cartridges while varsity shooters may shoot 150 cartridges or more each practice. All scholars will shoot 50 cartridges in each competition event. We expect the cost of ammunition used by scholars during competition events to be covered by sponsorship funding and donations.
How much ammunition will I need for the season?
The answer varies based upon skill level and season. The more comfortable you get at shooting in practice the more ammunition you may use. We recommend scholars work up to shooting a minimum of 100 rounds each practice. There will be a minimum of two (2) practices in the Spring Season with opportunities to practice a total of four (4) or five (5) times before competition weeks begin. There will be a minimum of two (2) practices in the Fall Season prior to competition weeks.
What is included with the range fee?
Scholars are responsible for the cost of range fees during practice. Range fees include clay targets and the use of the shooting range facility. Range fees are $10 for 25 clay targets. Scholars will shoot 100 clay targets at each practice and in each competition. There are 3 practice weeks in the spring and no practice weeks in the fall season. The cost of range fees during competitions we expect to be covered by sponsorship funding.
Are there any recurring registration fees?
Yes. Scholars are required to pay a league registration fee per season for each clay target sport in which they are participating. The league supports four clay target sports including Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, and 5-Stand. The Range offers three shooting sports; Trap, Skeet, and 5-Stand. Spring seasons culminate in a state tournament that all athletes are invited to attend. The Arizona State High School Clay Target Tournament registration fee is typically between $20 (virtual) and $45 (in person) per tournament.
Are there any one-time membership costs?
Yes. Scholars are required to complete an online and field safety training course that costs $25 and is valid for life.
Are there any initial personal equipment costs?
Yes. Scholars are required to wear ear protection and mandatory eye protection. Scholars must supply their own shotgun and ammunition pouch or shooting vest. Review the Equipment section for more details.
Can I rent a shotgun?
Yes. The shooting range offers daily shotgun rentals with parent or guardian permission.
Can I receive a tax credit for paying the Club Fee?
Yes. The State of Arizona allows Arizona taxpayers to claim a non-refundable individual tax credit for fees and cash contributions paid to charter schools in Arizona for the support of Extracurricular Activities (ECA). The Arizona Tax Credit is equal to the amount of fees paid or amount contributed, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200 for single or head of household taxpayers, and up to $400 for married taxpayers that file a joint return. (ARS §43-1089.01) Arizona taxpayers can make donations from January 1 up until April 15 of the following year. Donations made between January 1 and April 15 must be designated as to which tax year the donation applies. For example, a donation made in April 2024 can be applied to either 2024 or 2023.
Can I use the AZ Tax Credit to pay for Fall and Spring seasons?
Yes. However, ECA funds do not roll-over from the current school year to the next. If you want to use ECA funds to pay for both the Spring and the Fall season you must make two separate donations - one in the Spring and another donation in the Fall.
Can an Arizona Taxpayer other than a parent pay for a scholars Club Fee and receive a tax credit?
Yes. Any Arizona Taxpayer is eligible to receive an ECA Tax Credit. Be sure to follow the donation instructions found here.
League Rules
Do I need to compete on the day my team is scheduled to compete?
Yes. Athletes are required to compete at the designated range when the team is scheduled to compete.
How many students make up a team?
Two students are the minimum number for a team. There is no maximum number of students that can be on a team. There may be some limitations to team size because of coaching resources and/or shooting range capacity or availability.
How are conferences determined?
By team size - not geography or school size. Typically, a team will double the number of members following the first couple of years. By using team size, competition is fair using the League’s True Team® scoring method since all teams in a conference are similar sizes.
What factors limit a team size?
Typical items include shooting facility capacity (available days and number of shooting fields) and coaches (1:10 coach:athlete ratio).
Can a scholar shoot more practice rounds on their own?
Yes. It’s no different than a member of the golf team going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of balls or a member of the baseball team visiting the batting cage. The more a student athlete puts into honing their skills, the more they’ll get out of it.
Where can I learn more about the USA High School Clay Target League?
Visit www.azclaytarget.com for additional information about the USA High School Clay Target League.
Is competition focused on the individual or on the team?
Both. Individual performance contributes to the team’s performance. Upon completion of the League, high round averages for the top males and females in each conference are recognized. Otherwise, all scores contribute to the team’s overall performance and team conference champions are recognized at the end of the League’s season.
Is clay target shooting an Olympic sport?
Yes. Shooting sports have been an Olympic event since 1896. The USA Shooting Team offers Olympic and Paralympic events.
Do colleges have clay target shooting sports teams?
Yes. Many colleges offer clay target shooting sports as a Registered Student Organization. Some teams travel to compete with other teams at weekend events. The USA College Clay Target League offers spring and fall virtual competition leagues for trap shooting, skeet shooting, sporting clays, and 5-stand club teams. Learn more at usacollegeclaytarget.com.
Is there a student college scholarship available?
Yes. Senior student athletes who are pursuing postsecondary education in environmental sciences or natural resources can apply in May for a scholarship available from the League. Visit azclaytarget.com for more details.