We rely on the generosity of supporters like you to provide a high-quality shooting sports program to students at Heritage Academy. By supporting our club through private donations, you help us provide the resources and facilities necessary for our students to reach their full potential. Whether you can give a little or a lot, every contribution makes a difference.ย
Fund Usage
Athletes and their parents make significant investments in equipment like sport shotguns, safety gear, and recurring consumables like ammunition and targets. Each time an athlete participates in a range event they are expected to pay for ammunition and range fees. Your contribution will reduce the cost to athletes to practice and develop their skills on the range and allow more young people to participate in the fastest growing and safest high school sport in the country.
AZ Tax Credit
Did you know that the State of Arizona allows Arizona taxpayers can claim a non-refundable individual tax credit for fees and cash contributions paid to public schools (including charters) in Arizona for the support of extracurricular activities or character education programs.
The Arizona Tax Credit is equal to the amount of fees paid or amount contributed, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200 for single or head of household taxpayers, and up to $400 for married taxpayers that file a joint return. (ARS ยง43-1089.01)
The state tax credit is available to ALL qualifying individual Arizona state taxpayers. The donor does not need to have a child enrolled at Heritage Academy to take advantage of this state tax credit as long as the donor is an Arizona resident they can donate.
Arizona taxpayers can make donations from January 1 up until April 15 of the following year. Donations made between January 1 and April 15 must be designated as to which tax year the donation applies. For example, a donation made in April 2024 can be applied to either 2023 or 2024.
Donate Now
Arizona Taxpayers may submit donations online using either a credit or debit card through the secure MySchoolBucks payment system. Donors will receive a receipt after completing the online transaction. When prompted, please select the following options in the online donation form:
Is this for a specific scholar? Enter "No".
Activity / Organization: Select "Athletics".
Name of specific trip/sport/fee: Enter "Heritage Academy Trap and Skeet Club".
CTDS #s for claiming on income taxes: Choose "Maricopa 078712003".
After clicking "Purchase" you will be prompted to either login using your MySchoolBucks account or "Checkout as a Guest". If you don't have a MySchoolBucks account you may either create one or proceed as a Guest.
Proceed to Online Donation Portalย
Please use the contact form found in the upper right corner of this page to reach out to Club leadership with any questions regarding Club donations.